We offer both a short-term, 30 day intensive program as well as a long term options. In our 30 day intensive residential program students are required to attend classes both in the daytime and evening. There are no electronics (phones, tablets) allowed as we designate this time as a concentrated period to work on building the skills needed to enable students to begin making better life decisions. Required classes include, daily Christ centered recovery classes, life skills classes, relapse prevention, behavioral modification, individual Christian counseling, Church services and materials. We have a zero-tolerance policy, and random drug and alcohol tests are given to insure adherence to sobriety.

Upon completion of our 30 day intensive program, we allow entrance into our long term Drug and Alcohol Recovery Program. Students may begin working in the day-time and are required to begin paying rent. All evening classes remain mandatory, as well as counseling and random drug testing. The number of months agreed upon for the individual’s recovery is left to the discretion of the client and their families up to three years, depending on their individual needs.

We believe the best path to long term recovery is to complete our 6 month program. Having a structured program with required meetings as well as Church services and a nine p.m. curfew, along with random drug and alcohol tests will help aid in full re-entry into society and to have a healthy, whole, and productive life.